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Guess what I did this morning? I finally gave in and used the “French press.” Thank you, Peggy and Susan for sending the information on how you use this equipment. I did it and the hot, brown liquid tasted like C R A P. I have got to find a coffee maker today. I ain’t going to press again; it is a waste of my valuable Dunkin’ Donut coffee grounds. I didn’t haul that 12 ounce package 5,789 miles for nothing. . .

  • Yesterday I looked at the TV; the only English speaking channel is the cartoons on the Disney channel. Also, I can’t watch TV or Amazon prime programs on my iPad. I watch very little TV so the lack of viewing is a moot point. I had hoped to watch Season 5 of Downton Abby while I was here.

  • Of bigger concern to me is the lack of electric outlets. This is an older building – there is only one open outlet in the living room. I have multiple rooms so I can spread out my electronic charging and use the outlet in the living room for my laptop.

  • After taking my first shower I thought this was a “cold water flat.” I guess it is kind of close. I investigated the hot water heater so I could turn up the temperature – LOL, the maximum temp on it is 70°.

  • Air conditioning works good enough that I could hang a side of beef.

  • The weather has been nice enough that I could open the balcony doors; there are no screens so I don’t want bugs to get in.

  • Excellent Wi-Fi connection; fast and steady.

  • Wish I had a couple of ice cube trays. Other than a drip coffee maker, the property is furnished very complete.

Before I gagged the brown stuff this morning I realized I have the onset of the malady known as airplane crud. A very heavy and deep bronchial cough. I hope it doesn’t go full blown like it did on the 2014 Escanaba, MI trip. I walked up to the pharmacy that is a block down Las Ramblas – I have everything I need within walking distance. My place is in a great location.

After the pharmacist gives me some cough syrup (Mucosan), I get a cab. I have the address of the Carrefour supermarket in my sweaty hand. I had recovered from jet lag by yesterday, but the bronchial crud is making me a little puny and I have no idea where the store is located.

It was not that far away and it is a large facility. Out of the 56 employees on duty, only one guy stocking shelves, Nando, spoke English. Europe is so civilized – I can order groceries online and have them delivered or I can go to the store, throw things in the cart, check out and have them delivered. Way to go.

Some of you suggested my go-to shopping place. As soon as I discovered the situation on Wednesday afternoon I hit the keyboard for immediately. Gobs of coffee makers, but you are serviced by the United Kingdom. The soonest expedited delivery would have been 9/1+. I don’t think they are “Prime” in Europe. Was I successful on the hunt for you know what? More later in the post.

I was very productive in cart shopping in the store. The online products are very limited. The in-store is very complete. I saw Ben & Jerry ice cream, Nestle products, and some other recognizable brands; I bought Arizona ice tea.

My online order and the in-store shopping arrived this afternoon within 15 minutes of each other. I didn’t do too badly online; I wanted two bananas and got 12. I don’t know the tall green bottle is – maybe a cleaning solution?

For the past three days I have lived on that doughy cheese/tomato/bread, a muffin, three breakfast bars and the fresh fruit from the Boqueria Market. I am happy with my grocery delivery. It may be easy fix food, but at least I will have more vitamins from the food group.

My practice won’t change from home – once I am back rocking and rolling, I will eat most of my meals out and I don’t have to do Applebee’s, Olive Garden or all those other chains that are in Surprise.


Yes, my life is good and it is now complete! In between coughing and hacking I guzzled my coffee this morning. Carrefour had a few espresso machines and this was the only drip. I am glad they didn’t have a 150€ Bosch; this is a 15€ Digiline made of light-weight plastic.

I walked back to the apartment down the Ramblas and guess what I found? A Starbucks! Later on I walked south and saw a couple more familiar brands:

I am interested in seeing the places that are on the upper level of the building with KFC on the bottom; they look like very nice apartments.

Know what is different now from 1999? You aren’t sitting or walking through a haze of cigarette smoke. This couple were both smoking, but you don’t see very many people smoking. I remember when they were smoking in church!

I think this guy had just done some dumpster diving; he was on a side street, not the main drag.

Some interesting architectural ornaments that caught my eye:

Thiis is mounted on the corner of a restaurant.

Barcelona has drinking fountains aplenty; they were a meeting place for locals and visitors alike. This city is full of ornate and very old drinking fountains; most of which no longer dispense water.

That's it for today!

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